Eat Design Office Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") gives top priority to the trust of our customers and complies with the applicable laws and related rules concerning the protection of personal information, and implements and maintains the following personal information policy to ensure the appropriate use and management of personal information.
イートデザインオフィス株式会社 ( 以下「当社」といいます ) は、信頼を第一に、個人情報保護に関する法令およびその他の規範を遵守し、個人情報の適正な利用と管理を図るために、下記の個人情報保護方針を実行・維持いたします。
To implement this Personal Information Protection Policy, the Company establishes internal rules and structures on the handling of personal information and ensures that not only the Company's employees (including officers, regular employees, contract employees, commissioned employees, dispatched employees, etc. of the Company) but also the Company's contractors and related persons are aware of all rules and policies. The Company maintains and improves such rules and policies so that they are operated in an appropriate manner.
当社は、この方針を実行するために、個人情報の取り扱いに関する社内規程および体制を定め、当社従業者(役員、社員、契約社員、嘱託社員、派遣 社員等)、業務委託先等関係者に周知徹底し、適切な運用がなされるよう維持・改善してまいります。
The Company may provide personal data to its Group companies, business partners, etc. through the procedure required by the applicable laws and related rules.
The Company promptly responds to a request for disclosure, correction, discontinuation of use, etc. of retained personal data, within a reasonable scope, after confirming the identity of the principal making such a request.
You are requested to regularly confirm this Personal Information Protection Policy described on the Company website, etc. as the Company may modify the Policy for the improvement of protection of personal information or due to a revision of the applicable laws and related rules.